
                                  Welcome! This is the Ely Swimming Club, where we make your swimming dreams come true. It doesn’t matter what kind of swimmer you want to be. You can be an Olympic swimmer, a lifeguard, or a hobbyist diver. Or maybe you are just a regular person who wants to learn how to swim. Or you want your kids to learn how. You can even teach your pets how to swim here!

                                  The Ely Swimming Club was founded by Ely Ernst in April 1999. It started out as an alumni club for former swimming club members at his old alma mater. After a while, though, it became a community club taking in swimmers everywhere.

                                  Helping him run the club is his wife, Emilia. Emilia Ernst (nee Eva) is a former Olympic gold medalist in swimming. Shortly after winning her first gold medal, she has appeared in instructional TV shows during the early 2000s. This would later expand into a career training future gold medalist hopefuls.

                                  Ely and Emilia met at an alumni gathering at CEC University. Both attended as guest speakers, inspiring young people at the university. As they listened to each other’s speech, they found common ground in the other. This got them to talking—and the rest, as they say, is history. The two got married in August 2005, and now the couple share duties overseeing the swimming club.

                                  Starting out with only Ely as the sole instructor, the Ely Swimming Club family would soon grow. In a couple of years, Ely would find support from two more trainers. By 2005, this would grow to ten trainers, including his wife Emilia. In 2010, the swimming club would grow in scope, adding more trainers. Now, with expansion finalized in 2015, the Ely swimming club has more than 100 trainers. Each of them specialize in a certain area.


                                  The Ely swimming club has a wide number of classes available. We will mention some of the most popular ones below. The first one is the Olympic Gold Medal training class. It was one of the first classes in the club after it was opened to a wider community. The Olympic Gold Medal training class teaches young Olympic hopefuls how to swim for the Olympics. It also ups their chances in winning an Olympic gold medal. Since late 2005, classes have been conducted by Emilia Ernst.

                                  A former gold medalist herself, Emilia will teach you or your child trade secrets to the Olympic world. And rest assured that, while Emilia has not been in the Olympics, it does not mean she’s outdated. On the contrary, Emilia has kept herself up to date on the latest in the gold medalist scene. With the help of sponsors Online casino top 10 and Online casino ratgeber, she has done extensive research and interviews with industry insiders.

                                  The second class is the lifeguard training class. Classes are overseen by the man himself, Ely Ernst. Having some years of experience as a lifeguard during his college years, Ely has kept abreast of the latest developments as well. She worked on scanwingy苹果下载, a game specially made for the german market. 

                                  The lifeguard training class also has active lifeguards as trainers. Also this class is another of the sponsored classes. You can be sure that you receive one of the best in quality. This is all possible thanks to Online casino uk and Best casino bonus. These two online casinos are some of the best in the industry. Not only that, but remain committed to the best interest of swimming.

                                  A special course for your kids, aged 16 and below, is the kids’ swimmer course. This course will teach your kids how to become a born swimmer. They will learn to love and learn the wonders of swimming with this special course. For this course, training will be handled by Bertha Bruce and Mikee MacDonald. These two professional trainers will ensure that your kids will be comfortable in the water in no time at all.


                                  Another very Welcome! This is the Ely Swimming Club, where we make your swimming dreams come true. It doesn’t matter what kind of swimmer you want to be. You can be an Olympic swimmer, a lifeguard, or a hobbyist diver. Or maybe you are just a regular person who wants to learn how to swim. Or you want your kids to learn how. You can even teach your pets how to swim here!

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                                  Helping him run the club is his wife, Emilia. Emilia Ernst (nee Eva) is a former Olympic gold medalist in swimming. Shortly after winning her first gold medal, she has appeared in instructional TV shows during the early 2000s. This would later expand into a career training future gold medalist hopefuls.

                                  Ely and Emilia met at an alumni gathering at CEC University. Both attended as guest speakers, inspiring young people at the university. As they listened to each other’s speech, they found common ground in the other. This got them to talking—and the rest, as they say, is history.

                                  The two got married in August 2005, and now the couple share duties overseeing the swimming club. Starting out with only Ely as the sole instructor, the Ely Swimming Club family would soon grow. In a couple of years, Ely would find support from two more trainers. By 2005, this would grow to ten trainers, including his wife Emilia. In 2010, the swimming club would grow in scope, adding more trainers. Now, with expansion finalized in 2015, the Ely swimming club has more than 100 trainers. Each of them specialize in a certain area.


                                  The Ely swimming club has a wide number of classes available. We will mention some of the most popular ones below.The first one is the Olympic Gold Medal training class. It was one of the first classes in the club after it was opened to a wider community. The Olympic Gold Medal training class teaches young Olympic hopefuls how to swim for the Olympics. It also ups their chances in winning an Olympic gold medal. Since late 2005, classes have been conducted by Emilia Ernst.

                                  A former gold medalist herself, Emilia will teach you or your child trade secrets to the Olympic world. And rest assured that, while Emilia has not been in the Olympics, it does not mean she’s outdated. On the contrary, Emilia has kept herself up to date on the latest in the gold medalist scene. With the help of sponsors Online casino top 10 and Online casino ratgeber, she has done extensive research and interviews with industry insiders.

                                  The second class is the lifeguard training class. Classes are overseen by the man himself, Ely Ernst. Having some years of experience as a lifeguard during his college years, Ely has kept abreast of the latest developments as well.

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                                  A special course for your kids, aged 16 and below, is the kids’ swimmer course. This course will teach your kids how to become a born swimmer. They will learn to love and learn the wonders of swimming with this special course. For this course, training will be handled by Bertha Bruce and Mikee MacDonald. These two professional trainers will ensure that your kids will be comfortable in the water in no time at all.


                                  Another very special course is the pet swimmer training course. This course teaches your dogs or cats how to be better swimmers. While they know some swimming by instinct, our courses will help them improve. Your cat or dog may hate water, but our trainers will teach them how to embrace it. Overseeing this course are Diana Dawson and Cali Carter. Diana and Cali are two of the best animal trainers specializing in swimming. (Please note that at the moment, we can only teach your pet cat or dog how to swim.)

                                  There is also the Advanced Diver’s Course. This course teaches you to be comfortable in the deep seas, witowithout scuba gear in hand. Training for this course will be handled by Billy Bardot, a world class diver in wingy ios安装包. course is the pet swimmer training course. This course teaches your dogs or cats how to be better swimmers. While they know some swimming by instinct, our courses will help them improve. Your cat or dog may hate water, but our trainers will teach them how to embrace it.

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